Monday, August 21, 2017

More Reaper Miniatures

Hanseth Dimguard

Garwin Greywand, Wizard

Elori Ebonscythe, Female Cleric

Lord Jester, Mercenary

Selthak the Poisoner

Karzoug, Runelord of Greed

Damar Hawkwinter, Adventuring Wizard

Alistrilee, Elf Ranger

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I painted stuff

Here are some miniatures from Dark Sword Miniatures.

Wizard's Dragon Male Mage from Dark Sword Miniatures

The Signal - Female Archer from Dark Sword Miniatures

Female Archer from Dark Sword Miniatures

Ancient Male Mage from Dark Sword Miniatures

This old chap loves his robes